Male Speaker 1

Welcome to the exhibition Matisse: Masterworks from the Baltimore Museum of Art. The tour stops are numbered from 1 to 15. You can, however, listen to them in any order. You can move back and forth through the gallery as you like. Most of the art works featured on this guide have more than one audio stop to offer additional layers of information. My name is Eric Bruce. I am Head of Visitor Experience at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. I will guide you to each of these stops. The expert voices you will hear on this audio guide are scholars of modern art with unique insights into the artist, Henri Matisse. We begin our tour with an introduction from Kaywin Feldman, Director and President of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.

Kaywin Feldman

Every generation has its innovators, its Leonardo da Vincis, Albert Einsteins, Marie Curies, Rosa Parks, Steve Jobs, people full of creativity, grit and ingenuity who push through barriers, create new things and ideas and expand our understanding of humanity’s great potential. French artist Henri Matisse is one of those groundbreaking individuals in the world of modern art. Hello, I am Kaywin Feldman, Director and President at the Minneapolis Institute of arts and I am pleased to welcome you to Matisse: Masterworks from the Baltimore Museum of Art. Matisse spent more than 50 years pushing himself to explore the expressive possibilities of color, line, shape and pattern. You will find the exhibition organized chronologically to illustrate Matisse’s development as an artist. Before leaving this room, take a moment to get acquainted with Henri Matisse and two of his biggest supporters, legendary collectors Dr. Claribel Cone and Ms. Etta Cone. You will see their photographs on the wall nearby. You will also hear from Etta Cone and Matisse throughout the tour.

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